European Campaigns

EU-OSHA is the European Union information agency for occupational safety and health. Their work contributes to the European Commission’s Strategic Framework for Safety and Health at work 2014-2020  and other relevant EU strategies and programmes, such as Europe 2020 .

Reference Material

 EUOSHA EU OSHA Website  EUOSHA  EU-OSHA Manage Stress campaign guide
EUOSHA EU-OSHA Manage Stress leaflet eu-flag Framework Agreement Harassment and Violence at Work_EN
EUOSHA Framework_agreement_on_work-related_stress_EN hse HSE How to tackle work-related stress 
pdf-icon Mental Health at Work pdf-icon Work-related stress, EFLWC

Tool Documents

 pdf-icon  Managing stress and psychosocial risks E-guide

Case Studies/Campaigns

EUOSHA EU-OSHA Manage Stress campaign guide

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